What can Agile Methodology provide?

        Companies are constantly facing clients who demand more efficient and faster results; a market with a fast response, capacity and continuous innovation; changing requirements and reduction of commitment and motivation in teams, which impact quality and productivity.

An enterprise culture is built with what we can see, the visible, which are the results and behaviors and what we can´t see, the invisible, which are the emotions and thoughts of our people. Emotions and thoughts are important for a person to be engaged in what he or she does. A person who is engaged will be more motivated and will produce better results.

         Agile is more than a methodology; it is a group of values and principals, which help to develop projects fast and flexible with quick and continuous deliveries. It is a philosophy that permits working and organizing out of the box. Each project may be broken down into small phases, which can be reviewed and redirected on time or cancelled before a great investment is made. “Fail fast and stop early or succeed early and double down”. It permits constant feedback with teams and leaders who can actively reprioritize project portfolio or enable rapid course correction and reallocate funds where needed.

“Agile is like making a big transatlantic be able to turn as a high-speed sports boat”.

            It helps improve quality every step, creates better employee satisfaction and generates more consciousness with faster cycles and better productivity. It permits interdisciplinary teams to work together throughout the process. It works through daily reunions in which teams talk about 3 things: what has been done, what will be done today and what is blocking the process. This helps every member, understand where he or she is standing and what is needed from him or her to support one common objective.

            At CSO we can help to identify needs and establish an Agile Methodology that can enhance the ability to manage changing priorities, improve business alignment, provide a game changing impact to your organization during difficult times, and improve project visibility and team morale (emotions and thoughts); which in turn can increase productivity, improve organizational liquidity and enhance delivery predictability.

           Having a team, which is able to maintain flexibility, will open opportunities to emerging markets and reduce the risk of large project investments.

Cristina Sánchez Oldenhage President CSO

Cristina Sánchez Oldenhage
President Coaching Solutions Organization

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