How is Coaching beneficial to the Organization

          Coaching is a way to take you from where you are to where you would like to be. It is a way to help you and others to enhance your personal life and your environment.

       Coaching magnifies your true potential and promotes the achievement of personal and company goals through visible and measurable results. It unlocks your power and helps overcome biases and fears, which limit personal beliefs, and strengthens your focus and abilities to overcome stagnation.

           Coaching leads to establishing a true goal by taking a profound look into who you are, recognizing your experiences and being able to integrate them into your present, in a positive way. Coaching is empowering and expands your awareness through powerful thoughts by provoking powerful questioning. It defines the goal, plans and prepares for it, implements and sustains the establish route, while measuring results.

           People, who have gone through coaching, are more efficient and assertive in their decisions and actions. They have the ability to be more focused on what´s important, to show gratitude, to be happier thus being able to enjoy things and events in a more profound way while influencing others through their determination and leadership. Therefore, helping others to move forward propelling company goals.

        Coaching helps create leaders, promote tactical thinkers, encourage creativity, open-mindedness and empathy while exploring solutions, thus leading others and giving meaning to whatever you do.

        A Coach will work with you in case of set backs in order to bring you back on track. A Coach will help you confront frustration, hesitation and confusion, while strengthening your awareness and creativity.

        A person who is aware of who he/she is and has set values is a person who can relate to the outer world, while being empowered and focused on what´s important. Coaching teaches powerful personal attributes, such as responsibility, integrity and humility as well as the abilities of communication, constructive negotiation and coordination, which enhance any Organization´s achievement of goals.

Cristina Sánchez Oldenhage President CSO

Cristina Sánchez Oldenhage
President Coaching Solutions Organization

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